
Zagreb & Belgrade 🏰 in $530s-$570s RT

Now, we know what you're thinking: Why put Zagreb and Belgrade together?

Sure, they're both in Eastern Europe. Sure, they were both once part of Yugoslavia. But what else connects them these days?

The answer: weird, obscure museums. Seriously, both cities are full of them and they're always a blast to visit. In Zagreb, we've got the Museum of Hangovers (definitely try on the beer goggles), the world's only Mushroom Museum, and the melancholy but weirdly moving Museum of Broken Relationships.

In Belgrade, meanwhile, you can check out the small but spooky Museum of the Paranormal, the Vespa Museum (that's right, those little Italian scooters), and the PTT Museum, which apparently stands for "postal-telegraphic-telephonic."

Both cities also have some cool old castles, but that's a given in the Balkans :-)

Taking off ✈️

Tip Published: Feb 06, 2025


  • Belgrade (BEG) - $536
  • Zagreb (ZAG) - $570

  • Chicago (ORD)
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$650-$750 (w/ bag)

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